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Every child deserves quality learning experiences.

Your donation helps more families in Louisiana have access to affordable, equitable and high-quality early learning options

What legacy is being left in Louisiana?


Louisiana’s mortality rate for children ages 1-4 is 62% ABOVE the national average, largely due to injury and homicides that often stem from a lack of parent education and support.


Despite evidence of the importance of early education, ONLY 30% of children demonstrate readiness when entering kindergarten.

(Louisiana Department of Health 2021)

We must change this trajectory.

By donating today, we’ll help to ensure these outcomes continue instead!


of caregivers reported an increase in knowledge about parenting support and community resources.


of caregivers reported an increase in their use of strategies to foster their children’s language, emotional, and general development


of caregivers reported an increase in their confidence in their role as a parent.